Plugin and Addon

Plugins and Addons for several programs

    Houdini HDA

    Houdini Digital Assets Digital assets for Houdini whHoudiniSuite The whHoudiniSuite is like my whXsiSuite, it combines all my plugins into one single plugin file That means, there is only one download, one DDL file, but many plugins Content Picture Name and Link Description whShelf Create shelf for books or stuff whNut Milling arch whScrewHole Screw-hole templates whCogWheel Create cog wheels/gears Updates Datum Houdini Version Ă„nderungen 16. whPipe whPipe is a Digital-Asset for Houdini (HDA) to create pipes.


    SoftImage|XSI Plugins Plugins for SoftImage|XSI whXsiSuite whXsiSuite is a single plugin, that contain all my other small plugins together whNeuralNetwork Create a neural network by defining points. The plugin will connect all points together and spread points between them. The distance to a control point decides the particle size to simulate the reverse filament effect. The plugin uses multi thread and can, with the wrong parameters, kill your maschine, so take care about it whFacade My old whWall Plugin with another name.