whXsiSuite is a single plugin, that contain all my other small plugins together
Create a neural network by defining points. The plugin will connect all points together and spread points between them. The distance to a control point decides the particle size to simulate the reverse filament effect. The plugin uses multi thread and can, with the wrong parameters, kill your maschine, so take care about it
My old whWall Plugin with another name.
My old whGear Plugin with another name
This ICE component creates an unified grid field with points inside geometry. It’s like a SDF volume in houdini
Generated particles based on Mandelbrot
Produces a nice mesh instead of particles for Mandelbrot
This plugin write ICE caches very fast. Extrem fast. It is compatible with the ICE Cache reader. The negative point is, there is no feedback loop inside the SDK, so you lost the display and info inside the scene, you need to plugin in it parallel
Some ICE stuff that can be handy, or not …
This can be used for visualize the neural network
Creates rainbow colors between two points
I have no idea
Inside the ZIP file is a SCN file, with some scenes where you can see how it works. Compatible with SoftImage|XSI 2012 32bit and 64bit. There are also an 7.5 and ModTool Version (limited functions), and an 2015 Version