Some rendering outputs and some videos
Experimental Some experiments with stable diffusion More detail on german page … Series 11 Series 10 Series 9
This page shows you some CAD samples done with Houdini. The original is not included, because of copyright stuff. Well I get the CAD samples from Google Image search, well if Google copy the pictures and display them, this is fine. If I did this, I got shot, so, original not included, search yourself … Anyway, Houdini is very great to bring CAD drawing into 3D, because of procedural workflow, you’re able to always go back and correct some mistakes.
Unsorted render pictures from 1998 to now …
For a burn-in test of my new graphic card system, I create just a very heavy scene with tons of load to measure the heat and test stability. System was stable and heat normal along 36 hours, anything fine. Here some picture: And a video of it:
Houdini introducing a new constraint mechanism named Vellum. I had to test this out. With a nice video:
A small particle test rendering. Nothing fancy. Testing stabilisation of my new workstation. 8000 frames with 4 cameras rendered with RedShift including motion blur. Some houdini screen shots: And the final animation:
Relax 3 minutes !
A small collection of stuff i tested related to dynamics in Houdini Water Splash Pyro Test Play with pyro Breakable and water What happen if you break things and throw it into the water?
After Autodesk drop SoftImage|XSI because of, reasons and neither Maya nor 3D Studio are a creative solution, I take a look into Houdini. Houdini is similar to ICE in SoftImage|XSI. so give a try. But for modelling is Houdini more or less not a good candidate. Well it is a bit unfair, because SoftImage|XSI is the fastest modeller ever, still. This brings me to some kind of particle videos, where I try to explain, Houdinis thinking …
Five Tubes was first invented with SoftImage|XSI 7.5 plus SPH PhysX Plugin (some when in 2012). After switching to Houdini I try to recreate the same setup for Houdini. And finally I create a migration guide, where i deep dive into the migration process (The first video is german, sorry, but the others are in bad english) Final Render with Houdini Final Render with SoftImage|XSI Screenshots from SoftImage|XSI
This is a collection of tests. Using SoftImage|XSI with emTools from Eric, SPH and other stuff. Beware, this is very old stuff, from 2012 and older. So you maybe can not compare this to modern stuff. emTopolizer Fire emFlock2 Water Splash PhysX Schokolade Lagoa Tests SPH und emPolygonizer SPH Splash Cube Fallout City Primm Water Splashes Water Splash 2
A series of renderings using Lagoa and PhysX SPH with SoftImage|XSI and RedShift and also emTools. Gummiball physX Water One million particle with emRPC - no problems Fireball Granular Paste Jello Lagoa does not support multiple emitters they interact together in one simulation and furthermore, it will never support clustering of particles.
SoftImage|XSI und RedShift SoftImage|XSI und PhysX Download Benchmark Archive (775 KB)